Saturday, June 20, 2009

Marble Tree

Written June, 2009
Author: Parrish Ravelli


I don’t like when doctors on television use the phrase that
“life is failing”.

Mostly because I absolutely refute that his life
will ever be anything but a success.

The hardest part of it all is that he and my grandmother
Are the foundation, the baseline

They are the current proprietors of the name
From which I was born.

It’s kind of like when the boat rocks,
Just after you’ve gotten your footing.

I remember growing up,
Visiting him in anticipation

Of what marbles had fallen
From the worlds only marble tree

That just happen to be
In his back yard.

It’s late June.
The squash flowers explode in the morning

Into what I like to think it looks like
When life is formed.

We finally had our first red sunset here.
The funny thing about time,

I could care less
About where my marbles are today,

But that memory,
I can find anytime I need it.